Types Of Elderly Care


Palliative Care

There may come a time when your loved one finds themselves in need of a home carer who can help to improve their quality of life as they face a life-limiting illness or condition. This is known as palliative care, and it’s important to understand the purpose of this type of care and what to do if you need to consider it for a loved one. Palliative care at home helps to ensure people living with life-limiting conditions can remain supported and comfortable in their own home.End-of-life care End-of-life care and palliative care are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have some differences. This care includes support, care and treatment for someone nearing the end of their life and is a vital aspect of palliative care. Generally, this type of care is provided to those who believe they have a year or less left to live, but in some cases someone will actually take it for a very short time as time frames are often difficult to predict.

If your loved one needs end-of-life care, you can be sure that the goal is to make them as comfortable as possible. Care will include everything from managing physical symptoms to offering emotional support and care for both your relative and friend and loved one. It also usually involves talking to you and your loved one about what they can expect as their life comes to an end and should ensure that all of your wants and needs and all of your loved ones' wishes and needs are fully met.

Home Care Services

Domiciliary care for the elderly

As people get older, they may start to gradually need more care and support to lead a good quality of life. Domiciliary care can be one of the first options for care in the home. It’s provided for those who need a little extra help but may not require full-time support – domiciliary care at home can help to keep people in their home for longer. Carers can help with things such as personal care, as well as day-to-day errands. Domiciliary care is often called other names like hourly care or visiting care – but it’s essentially the same thing. If you think your loved one needs care, this is an option to consider for care at home.

–  The person remains at home

– Medication support is available

– Personal care support is provided

– Alleviates some strain on family members

– Activities, meals and routines are personalised

– Complex care needs are catered for

Short-term live-in care

Short-term live-in care

Care and support are not always long-term and may only be needed for as little as a few weeks. In these situations, short-term residential care offers a solution that allows you or your loved ones to get the care and support you need in your own home. Short-term residential care may be necessary for a variety of reasons – for example, it is limited to convalescent care or intermediate care.

Support discharge from hospital

Convalescent care is one of the most common types of short-term care and is received following a stay in hospital. To make sure people can be discharged on time and to reduce the chances of readmission, short-term care is used to support recovery. Short-term care following a hospital stay can help people get back on their feet by having someone there to do daily errands, support with personal care and offer the peace of mind of another pair of eyes should your loved one need medical assistance.

Support recovery from illness

Similarly, short-term care can assist people in their recovery from an illness or fall. Having support at home to complete daily tasks such as laundry, cooking, cleaning and running errands as well as assistance with personal care can help ensure recovery isn’t compromised.

Diabetes Care

Diabetes is a common condition that affects 9% of adults across the world and 6% of the UK population. While there are a variety of different types of diabetes, there are two which are the most common. Symptoms of diabetes are unfortunately often mistaken for general feelings of being unwell or tired. For this reason, sometimes a diabetes diagnosis can go undetected – it’s important to see a GP if you think you may have the condition. Depending on the type of diabetes, it may be managed with a combination of lifestyle changes and medication – and insulin injections for those with type 1 diabetes. As a person ages, they may require professional support with managing their diabetes as well as other aspects of their life. This is where care options should be considered. Elder live-in care can provide a solution which allows people to retain their independence.

Diabetes care options

For those living with diabetes there are various care options which may be appropriate – as it can often depend on the severity of the condition, and other potential conditions, as to what level of support is required. Diabetes itself is not necessarily a reason to need care. However, as a person with diabetes ages, they may require additional support not only with their day-to-day lives but also with ensuring they maintain a healthy lifestyle and take any medication (such as insulin).


Alzheimer’s care – Everything you need to know

What is Alzheimer's disease? 

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. Living with over 520,000 people in the UK, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia, accounting for 50-75% of all diagnoses. Its recognizable name comes from Alois Alzheimer, the German psychiatrist and neuropathologist who first described the condition. Alzheimer's can affect different parts of the brain, but primarily affects the hippocampus, which is responsible for our daily memory. It tries to gradually impair neurological ability by blocking connections between nerve cells, which have a buildup of protein in the form of amyloid plaques and tangles. Because the connections between cells are lost, they die, and brain tissue - and therefore its function - dies with them. Despite all this, hope is not lost. Once diagnosed, it is possible to live a long, happy and full life. And even as the situation becomes more acute, there will often be moments of surprising and joyful reconnection.

Early-stage Alzheimer’s care

In the earlier stages of the condition, it’s not usually necessary to have care in place. But it is time to start considering care options. You may notice your loved one increasingly struggles to cope. There will likely be ups and downs. But by understanding what the future holds and planning for all the possibilities, you can bypass every hurdle the disease puts in your way.

Middle-stage Alzheimer’s care

When it comes to care, this time of the diseases progress is all about being adaptable, calm and patient with increasingly difficult circumstances. This can severely impair someone’s ability to remain independent, meaning they can become increasingly reliant on someone helping them out.

Late-stage Alzheimer’s care

As the symptoms become increasingly acute, so does the level of care that’s required. The later stages can be identified by a steep deterioration in someone’s condition. This can be an incredibly distressing time, and not one in which one family member should be left to cope caring alone.

Personal care for the elderly

If you find that your loved one is having trouble taking care of themselves, it may be time to consider getting support at home – especially with regard to self-care. Help with self-care at home, from showering to dressing, can help seniors stay at home but still get the support they need to complete their daily chores. Self-care at home means your loved one can continue their familiar routines where they're most comfortable. Residential care is an alternative solution that allows your loved ones to stay in their own home, maintain a sense of independence but still receive the care they need.

What is personal care? 




-Skincare and make-up

-Haircare and shaving

-Dealing with any incontinence issues

What are the options for personal care?


-Cooking and meal preparation

-Running errands


-Mobility assistance

-Support with medication

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